Ali Smith

It is with a very heavy heart we share the news that our long serving committee member and friend, Ali Smith passed away in Lynemore Care Home, here in Grantown this morning.
Ali will be remembered for his warmth and welcoming disposition and who was always ready for a laugh, and his company was always enjoyed by everyone who knew him.

Football was a passion for Duncan Alistair Smith, whether it was in goal for his beloved Nethy Bridge in the local welfare league, or with his dedication to Strathspey Thistle over many years. 

Ali and the late Johnny Ross photographed at The Jag’s first home Highland League match in August 2009

Ali was also a very active committee member and was also able to combine his early profession as a coach driver by ferrying the Jags about the North. There are many amusing stories from these days which will no doubt be reminisced upon over the following days.

Our heartfelt condolences go to his wife Marje, sons Gareth and Alistair,  his brother Andrew, sister Madge and their families and family friends.
Ali’s brother the late Davie Smith also served on the Jag’s committee.

Many a Jags’ fan arriving at Seafield Park, and countless supporters of many of the Highland League teams who visited Strathspey Thistle, were met with warmth and a smile from Ali, especially in his latter duties in the 50/50 half time raffle booth.

Ali welcoming from Harrogate, fans of the Club Steve Pattison and his son Brody, strangely at our home fixture in August 2021 against tomorrow’s opponents Lossiemouth FC.

I am sure too that all club committee members from all over the North will remember Ali with much fondness too.

He will be greatly missed by us all. 

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