Yes, weather permitting its the long drive north to Harmsworth Park (KW1 5NH) and our first encounter this year in the Breedon Highland League with Wick Academy FC.
It is always a very warm welcome we supporters and committee get from our friends in the north although that will probably not be replicated on the park and a tough game will ensue.
Michael MacCallum Rob Donaldson
Missing on the pitch will be goalie Mike MacCallum who has a broken finger, so that means Robbie Donaldson regains the position he had at the start of the season. Also missing could be Stephen Rennie and James Fraser who will both have late fitness tests. Manager Charlie Brown was quoted in this weeks “Strathie” as saying “ It will be a heavy pitch and we are expecting a very tough game”.
As Christmas is now just a few days away there might still be time to visit THE CLUB’S MERCHANDISE SHOP (see top of page) to see if you can order some Jags merch for your loved ones’ Xmas stockings……
As ever Sunday is Lottery Day and we again thank you all for your support either on paper or online >>>>>>>>please click on our Lottery logo>>>>>>…..just a thought….perhaps a nice wee Christmas present might be a few weeks lottery participation.
Jackpot now stands at £1200.00 – GOOD LUCK!