Home League Match v Huntly FC
Seafield Park, Grantown – Wednesday 2 March 2022 – KO 8pm

We look forward to our re-arranged Breedon Highland League match against Huntly FC, postponed from November, and the first of our March fixtures under the lights at Seafield Park. After a windswept afternoon on Saturday let’s hope that we get some decent weather and an entertaining game and hopefully three points.

Speaking of the weather this weeks photographs show Seafield Park on Friday afternoon and then on Saturday afternoon during the Brora game – the joys of Highland League football weather!!!
For your diary – We’re off to Station Park in Nairn on Saturday 5 March.
AND…..if anyone has a spare couple of hours or so, we’ll be pitch fixing tomorrow (Tuesday) preparing for Wednesday – all you need is a garden fork and a guid pair o’ boots!! We start about 9 but non-punctuality is not punished!!