When the passing of football legend Tommy Docherty was was announced last week, local club historian Rob A Clark got in touch with the following photograph and text featuring Mr Docherty’s visit to Grantown’s Waterford Hotel in 1995 as a guest of the then Strathspey Thistle Junior Football Club’s annual fundraising Sportsman’s Dinner. Rob’s two memories of that night are of Tommy Docherty being on top form and was very willing to speak with everyone and secondly, Bill McAllister’s high praise of how far STJFC had came in such a short time.
Pic shows l to r : M.C. for the night former Grade One Referee and current General Manager of Peterhead FC Martin Johnston, Strathspey Thistle Chairman at the time Graeme Mackie, the late Tommy Docherty, Strathspey Thistle Player / Manager at the time Donly McLeod, Highland football journalist Bill McAllister and then Secretary of Strathspey Thistle JFC and match day reporter for the local newspaper, local author Rob A Clark.
Someone has commented that Mr Docherty must have been on top form when you see current chairman Donly’s reaction…..